Secret Obsessions Fetish Photography

Erotica, Free Stories

Some of you may prefer to read my shorter stories complete with photo illustrations.

Secret Obsessions is primarily aimed at those who appreciate female submission, spankings, and bondage. The stories on Secret Obsessions are shorter and the subscribers editions have lots of photos illustrating them.

Three hotwife shorts with lots of photographs

Be Warned: The fetish photographs illustrating my stories are quite explicit, there’s lots of nicely reddened spanked bottoms and naked bodies but we stop short of anything hardcore. When it comes to the action it’s down to my writing and your imagination.

If you have a free subscription to you will have been sent a password to the subscribers extra gallery. This password changes regularly but, as long as you are still subscribed, you will receive an email with the new one so check your inbox and spam folder.

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A lot of Secret Obsessions action takes place in Hardend House (which is also the setting for my BDSM novel The Donnington Chronicles). Ruled over by The Master and Lady A, the mythical stately pile of Hardend House somewhere in Yorkshire is a haven for ladies who desire to have their bottoms bared and strict discipline applied.

These are just a few highlights from The Master’s Diaries

Fetish photo of nude girl bent over ready for spanking
Fetish photo of man spanking blonde woman
Fetish photo of secretary bent over ready for spanking. Secret Obsessions
Photo of haughty mistress examining naked female slave. Secret obsessions fetish photo illustrated story
Fetish photo of naked woman being spanked Secret Obsessions
Secret Obsessions fetish photo of a nude girl caning another girl
Fetish photo of nude girl in bondage bent over ready for punishment
Fetish photo of naked girl tied to a bed and whipped

Vasarian also responds to subscribers request so you will also find galleries featuring see through clothing and nylons fetishes. If you would like to see specific fetish stories or photographs, as a subscriber, just ask.

Fetish girls in see through clothes
Stockings and see thru fetish

Illustrated Supernatural Erotica


Chained and helpless he thinks she is his.

Galleries of photos and a 2 minute read.

Goldilocks Bared

Sophie’s fantasies are about to come frighteningly true.

10 min read illustrated with photos

Supernatural and erotic stories Sign up for free to read more

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  • Access to subscribers free illustrated stories on

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  • Want to write erotica? Weekly writing advice from a published author

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