Cover photo of a lesbian and bisexual BDSM fiction book The Donnington Chronicles by Simone Francis

The Donnington Chronicles – BDSM Fiction

BDSM Stories, Books, Erotic Serial Stories, Spanking Stories

Celia Donnington is known as The Ice Maiden in her office. Will she thaw as she enters a world of BDSM at Hardend House? Will she survive the punishments? And if she does will she become a Mistress or a slave?

BDSM fiction by Simone Francis

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Warning: Contains scenes of BDSM whippings, spankings and graphic descriptions of sex.

Read Excerpts Below

Office Liaison

Celia placed one sharp, glossy black high heel squarely in the middle of the last piece of paper. Kirsten looked up from the floor, her innocent eyes wide in expectation. Without looking down she delicately placed her slim fingers around Celia’s ankle and gently lifted her foot. She freed the paper but her hand remained delicately on the ankle. It seemed to Celia that they were both holding their breath, waiting for the other to react.

Slowly Kirsten’s fingertips began sliding up Celia’s sheer nylon clad leg, the light touch seeming to send a charge to every nerve ending in Celia’s body. Deftly they brushed her inner thigh under her skirt moving over the lace at the top of her stockings, until they rested on soft naked skin. Celia’s head swam; she knew she was losing control as she responded by hitching up her skirt.

Kirsten leant forward and Celia felt her warm breath on the swelling lips of her sex. She shuddered as the tip of Kirsten’s tongue flicked against her, like a snake tasting the air. She felt its tip deliciously circling the soft, pink, gash and then sliding up and down its length.

Her flesh parted to accept the probing tongue and allow it to delve into the yielding folds. Celia moaned, her body arched as Kirsten’s mouth enveloped her and she reached down to grab handfuls of blonde hair, dragging the girl into her. Still clutching at the golden strands she stepped blindly backwards hauling Kirsten with her until she felt the edge of the desk press against her buttocks.

Perching on the edge she spread her legs. Kirsten needed no further encouragement, her tongue flicked against Celia’s bud, then she teased it between her lips, drawing it out and sending delicious shivers through Celia’s body. Kirsten paused for breath but Celia responded by pushing Kirsten’s head so that her mouth was hard against her enveloping her whole sex as if to suckle at the opening.

Celia bucked against the probing tongue, pulling Kirsten’s hair ever harder, as she ground herself against her face. Her legs felt like jelly but her willing slave was not finished yet. She could feel the eager tongue searching out her bud again.

Celia Arrives at Hardend House

“How much ambition do you truly have Miss Donnington?”
Celia licked her lips. ‘Yes I consent,’ she said firmly.
Lady Antonia raised her eyes to look at someone standing behind her. The two women stepped forward and lifted her almost bodily out of the seat.

The athletic blonde whose short, close-cropped, hair emphasised her menacing beauty had slipped off her suit. Now all she wore was a black high cut leotard that clung to her as if it had been sprayed on, displaying the supple curves of the muscle beneath. Celia could see that her nipples were clearly outlined as they forced against the thin material whilst her steel grey eyes glinted in expectation.

For a moment Celia tried to struggle as her hands were secured in cuffs behind her back. The two girls held her in a surprisingly strong grip and effortlessly they hoisted her onto a sofa so that she was kneeling on the seat, facing over the back, before pushing her down into a similar position to that that the unfortunate Kirsten had been forced to assume in her office.

Celia felt hands tugging at the hem of her skirt and pulling it high over her naked bottom. She began to struggle again as she grasped what was about to happen. ‘No,’ she screamed, the word stretching into a long-anguished cry. Her protestations were cut short by the stocky brunette who, positioning herself in front of her, roughly forced her head down over the back of the sofa before pinning her down by her shoulders.

Celia held her breath, her heart pounding. Then she heard the man’s voice.
‘Ah excellent she has consented.’
There was a pause as if everyone in the room had frozen in a statuesque tableau. Celia relaxed, just a fraction, perhaps they were not going to beat her, merely humiliate her as a punishment for her conduct.

The blonde was watching, waiting for that moment. Celia did not hear the slight swish that the leather strop made as it cut through the air but she felt the impact through every nerve of her body. The stinging pain seemed to penetrate the flesh of her behind and surge through her, to erupt from her mouth as an agonised scream.

Before she could draw breath a second blow fell and then a third until she could no longer count them. Her rump seemed to be nothing but a seething mass of fire.

“Having read The Bookshop a while back, I expected nothing less from Simone’s latest tale, and she did not disappoint! Just like The Bookshop, The Donnington Chronicles was full of strong heroines, snarky and hilarious snapbacks, heavy erotic scenes, and DRAMA!” Read the review

Contents Page See the chapters published so far.

Do you enjoy reading intriguing stories that feature whippings, spankings and all kinds of sex?

BDSM fiction

Read Celia’s story as she endures spankings, whippings under the watchful eye of the Mistress of Hardend House in this full length BDSM sex story.

It had never occurred to her that the girl actually enjoyed her punishment and she found herself idly wondering what it was like to be in that position.

“Each of you will kneel before your mount and take him in your mouth. There’s no prize for the winner, but the slowest girl will endure the punishment of her riders choosing.”

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Warning: Contains scenes of BDSM whippings, spankings and graphic descriptions of sex.

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