Photo of sexy blonde girl wearing a collar. Illustration for sexy supernatural story

Goldilocks Bared

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Free Stories, Sex and the Supernatural

I am re-releasing this dark sexy supernatural story as a four part serial and then adding two more episodes. All episodes are free to read but you will need to be a free subscriber to my Substack to read the later instalments.

Parts 1 and 2 are also available on Secret Obsessions illustrated with some definitely NSFW photographs. So if you prefer the illustrated version subscribe to read them there.

Sophie is lured deeper into a web of submission by supernatural forces as this dark, erotic, story continues.

Start at the beginning Part 1 Goldilocks Ensnared

Photo of sexy blonde girl wearing a collar. Illustration for sexy supernatural story

Goldilocks Ensnared

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Erotic Serial Stories, Free Stories, Sex and the Supernatural

I have re-released this dark sexy supernatural story as a seven part serial. All episodes are free to read either here or on my Substack.

Parts 1 and 2 are also available on Secret Obsessions illustrated with some definitely NSFW photographs. So if you prefer the illustrated version subscribe to read them there.

Sophie’s dream of being fucked by a man that knows her body like a woman is about to come frighteningly true.

Part 1

This one is ideal. She has lived maybe two dozen years, young enough to be innocent of some things, but old enough to have had her desires awakened.

Pretty face framed by long blonde hair. Tall, long legs moving with grace, inviting curves pressing tantalizingly against the material of her clothes, stretching it like the skin of a not quite ripe fruit.

I love hunting in the summer.