The Succubus Collection A series of interlinked short stories about supernatural sex

The Succubus Collection

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Free Stories, Sex and the Supernatural

I am releasing my Succubus Collection on Substack. The collection is a series of interlinked short stories about supernatural sex. Many will only be available to paid subscribers but I will be offering free trials and releasing some of the stories, like this one, to free subscribers for a limited time.

The Succubus Speaks. Supernatural sex story illustration

The Succubus Speaks

Dark Erotica, Free Stories, Sex and the Supernatural

My name is Freya although I use others. I was born centuries ago My ancestors populated the earth when men still understood their place amongst demons and spirits. Once in a millennium one of our kind meets a man who is strong enough to endure us. His seed penetrates us and grows, blossoming into one such as me, half human, half succubus.

Erotic short story with a supernatural twist title photo

Happy Trucker

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Subscribers Short Stories
Melvin can't believe his luck when she askes him for a ride but when she climbs onboard strange things start to happen.


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