Photo of sexy blonde girl wearing a collar. Illustration for sexy supernatural story

Goldilocks Bared

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Free Stories, Sex and the Supernatural

I am re-releasing this dark sexy supernatural story as a four part serial and then adding two more episodes. All episodes are free to read but you will need to be a free subscriber to my Substack to read the later instalments.

Parts 1 and 2 are also available on Secret Obsessions illustrated with some definitely NSFW photographs. So if you prefer the illustrated version subscribe to read them there.

Sophie is lured deeper into a web of submission by supernatural forces as this dark, erotic, story continues.

Start at the beginning Part 1 Goldilocks Ensnared

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To Sophie’s horror, the collar began to slowly tighten around her neck, its grip becoming stronger until she is sure it will throttle the life from her. In panic she reached out and her hand grasped at the dress. As soon as she touched the silk the collar’s grip released. She was so surprised that she immediately grabbed at the collar again, which instantly caused the grip on her neck to be reapplied.

She picked up the dress again and the collar relaxed. Kicking off her shoes she looked at the empty room. “I’m going to need to put this down to undo my jeans.” She held up the dress not quite believing what she had just said. There was no reply.

Was she really going to strip in a stranger’s house and put on an evening dress? Her fingers touched the still loose collar around her neck.

Slowly she draped the dress over the arm of the sofa. She pulled at the button on her jeans until it popped open and slid down the zip. Slipping off her jeans she pulled her top over her head. She hesitated, her thumbs in the thin band of her knickers.

Yes, now we can see. Beautiful, plump, full of life, I let my fingers trace the wonderful soft skin that flows in sensuous curves down to the wide buds of her nipples. My mouth breathes on them, tensing the flesh, making it blossom.

You writhe inside me, you want to knead the flesh, to suck at those teats and drain new life force into us from them. Patience my dear, with patience we will have a producer of life for many years. I must restrain you from plundering her in a single feast.

A cool draught flows across the skin of Sophie’s breasts almost like a caress. Her nipples tense. She looks around her, the drapes hang motionless and there is no clue as to where the cool air came from.
Without thinking she moves her hands up until her fingertips brush against the tight buds, their touch arousing them, stimulating them to swell even further. The collar remains loose around her neck so whoever is watching her is not displeased by her actions.

She pauses, her fingers delicately tweaking her now pulsing nipples. The thought of someone watching her is quite a turn on. The voice she had heard had an air of authority, mature but not old and, she smiles to herself at the thought, quite sexy.

Maybe, with a little teasing, a bit of a show they might reveal themselves? She is young and fit, maybe she can overpower them, force them to unclip the collar and escape.

Ah, now she is starting to respond. I can smell her desire, it drifts through the room. I inhale deeply, raising my head as if savouring the bouquet of a fine wine. I feel your lust rising, but so is my desire. Soon we can both possess her. She is on the brink of submitting.

Her eyes closed Sophie lets one hand sensuously slide down over her flat stomach, like a serpent searching its lair until her fingers delve between her legs. She sits on the edge of the sofa and wriggles her virginal white panties down, dramatically flicking her foot so they spin across the room.

She spreads her legs and delicately parts the moistening lips of her sex, slowly she slides first one finger and then two between the velvet folds.

Her breathing becomes faster, her mouth open, she sucks in the air in little pants and gasps and she throws her head back as the familiar sensations of arousal begin sparking through her.

Her fingers slide out, wet and slippery they part her lips as they move upward, seeking the small bud pushing from beneath its hood. Excitedly she presses her fingers down, pinching and rubbing at it.

She is losing control, the energy of her building climax sparkles across her skin, I can see it in the air, like static electricity.

I can already feel its charge seeping into me. My breath plays on the creamy white skin of her thighs, my lips so close to hers as I watch her fingers working quicker now, pressing hard against the spot where all her nerves are packed into one small bud.

Her lips are gaping open, silvered with her scents. I set just your tongue free, it lances into her, swells and writhes seeking out her most sensitive spots as no human organ can. We are drinking in her nectar, her energy surging into us.

Sophie gasps, her mouth open wide as she arches her head back. Her fingers still press on her clit but her hips buck against the sensation of something swelling inside her.

Her muscles tense, forcing her entire body to rise from the sofa, arching between her feet and the back of her head. She holds her breath as her mind focuses completely on the sensation of her energy flooding through the nerves of her sex.

Time seems to stop until as if drained of all power her muscles relax and she flops back onto the seat. Her breathing spasms into life and as it begins to calm. She looks guiltily around her remembering where she is. She has no idea what possessed her to do that and the feeling that someone is watching creeps back into her mind.

“Put them on,” the voice is back and the collar tightens just enough to remind her what she should do.

Obediently she picks up the black knickers and as she slides them on is acutely aware that the wetness between her legs is dampening the material. Bringing herself to orgasm never seemed to totally satisfy her before but this time it was so intense that it seemed to have left her feeling even hornier, craving more.

Flustered she picks up the black dress and slips it on completing the outfit with a pair of black high-heeled shoes that she finds on the floor. Having done what had been commanded she waits in the middle of the room wondering what will happen next.

“You disobeyed me,” Sophie jumped as the disembodied voice spoke again.

“I thought you might enjoy it,” she shots back cheekily and without thinking.

Part of her is starting to fight now, that is good. She releases the most of her life force when she loses control in the heights of passion but we can also feed on her fear and her pain.

No, be patient, there is a seed of acquiescence in her mind which is growing, she has begun to feel sensations that are new to her and the desire for more is rising. When her submission comes, which it will, she will gladly become our subject.

“It is good that you try to please us but did you not enjoy the sensations that just welled up within you?”

“Us?” Sophie felt herself blush. “You mean there’s more than one of you?”

Hidden cameras. There must be hidden cameras and she had just given a show to a group of perverts online. She stares at the walls and starts to move around the room.

Sophie stops as she feels the constriction around her neck. Her shoulders sag, there are books and papers everywhere, she will never spot the cameras in this jumble. She brings her fingers up to touch the leather around her neck, this thing must have some sort of remote control.

I watch, her mind is in the modern world and she does not yet realise that she has stepped into our realm, a realm that was born when humans believed in us, knew we existed rather than seeing us just as mythical beings in their books and films.

I tighten the collar around her neck a little. “You must learn total obedience.”

“Total obedience,” she spits back angrily “To who?”

“To me.”

“To you,” she yells indignantly “ And just who the fuck are you?”

“Come, I will show you.” I open the door.

Part 3 Goldilocks Baited

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