Writing about sex. Title photo

Sex, Strawberries and Cream


Writing about just sex is like eating the cream without the strawberries

Writing about sex, I recently ran a poll on Twitter asking this question: In my stories and books I try to weave graphic sex into a plot. Some erotica writers go straight for the sex in paragraph one. Which do you prefer?

The results and the comments were interesting:

Sexy demons incubi and succubi Photo illustration of an incubus preying on a naked woman

Sexy Demons, Incubi and Succubae

Dark Erotica, Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Writers

Welcome to my supernatural erotica, the darker side of my erotic fiction.

In my stories demons, spirits, incubi and succubae play with humans. Their sexual powers know no limits and their appetites are ravenous.

Erotic stories have been created about the supernatural since language began. They help us explain a world that we still do not fully understand. But what if these myths and stories are not just products of the human imagination but founded on truth? What if these beings still exist, now hidden deeper in our world, lurking, ready to prey on the unsuspecting modern humans?

And what they want is sex

Fetish kinks spanking photo

Kinks – Spanking

Erotica, Writers

Why do my heroines submit to spankings, canings and whippings?

Most of my heroines are strong, confident women. In many of my books and stories they start out less so, but throughout the story, their character develops. So why do these women submit to having pain inflicted upon them?

Marketing Your Book – A New Author’s Tale


Writing a book is easy. OK so I know it’s not but, if you thought writing was hard, marketing your book as a new author is going to drive you toward madness.

We are all either inherently lazy or short of time

As writers, if we are awake, we want to be writing or living life; even if that just means drinking wine and having sex. There are a lot of people out there who want to sell you their books about how to market your book. Anything that promises a quick fix is going to be attractive (if you are looking for a quick fix stop reading this and go and write a book on marketing your book).

Setting Up An Author Email List


‘You need to set up an author email list. It’s easy – right – err no’

Having been monkeying around with another email provider for a year and still unable to figure out how it worked I was starting to loose hope that I could ever set up an author mailing list; at least without having to pay a professional $150 dollars an hour. Being honest, as a new writer with one book and a lot of short stories published that’s probably a month’s, OK a years, royalties. What I needed was an e mail provider that was easy to use, cheap (preferably free to start with), and that could be integrated into my WordPress sites. There followed a lot of research into marketing and email list with several false starts.