Dark Erotica by Simone Francis title photo. A girl fulfils her fantasies of sex with strangers

Dark Erotica A Girl Fantasises About Kinky Sex With Strangers

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Erotic Short Stories, Erotica, Free Stories

Earlier this year I wrote The Dark Passage (available on Medium). It is a piece of dark erotica fiction about a girl whose boyfriend or master arranges for her to fulfil her submissive fantasy of being taken by a gang of strangers.

Fetish kinks spanking photo

Kinks – Spanking

Erotica, Writers

Why do my heroines submit to spankings, canings and whippings?

Most of my heroines are strong, confident women. In many of my books and stories they start out less so, but throughout the story, their character develops. So why do these women submit to having pain inflicted upon them?

Photo illustration of nude woman bending over in a spanking fetish story

The First Time

All Short Stories, BDSM Stories, Erotic Short Stories, Free Stories, Sexy Stories, Spanking Stories

Spanking fetish story by Simone Francis

I like writing about women exploring kinky sexy for the first time. In this spanking fetish short story a woman explores her deepest desires as the door to a new world opens .

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