Stories of Demonic Sex. No more Virgins by Simone Francis

No More Virgins

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Erotic Short Stories, Free Stories, Most Read, Sex and the Supernatural

I love writing humorous stories about mature women exploring their sexuality. Add in a horny and frustrated demon and who knows what will happen

She is stretched naked across the altar as he approaches.

Photo of bride in see through dress illustrating erotic paranormal short fiction story

The Bride Was A Picture

Dark Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Subscribers Short Stories
Erotic paranormal short fiction. A lonely man gets more than he bargains for when he buys a picture of a beautiful bride. Warning: contains graphic descriptions and NSFW illustrations .


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Sexy demons incubi and succubi Photo illustration of an incubus preying on a naked woman

Sexy Demons, Incubi and Succubae

Dark Erotica, Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Writers

Welcome to my supernatural erotica, the darker side of my erotic fiction.

In my stories demons, spirits, incubi and succubae play with humans. Their sexual powers know no limits and their appetites are ravenous.

Erotic stories have been created about the supernatural since language began. They help us explain a world that we still do not fully understand. But what if these myths and stories are not just products of the human imagination but founded on truth? What if these beings still exist, now hidden deeper in our world, lurking, ready to prey on the unsuspecting modern humans?

And what they want is sex

Adult erotic fairy tale by Simone Francis book cover

An Erotic Fairy Story

BDSM Stories, Books, Erotica

The Iron Tongue of Midnight

New erotic novel by Simone Francis

A modern erotic fairy story. What is a dream and what is reality, and which is the most sensual?

Rebecca Mason is queen of her empire; she uses men and then discards the husks. No one is going to turn her into a whining sub. Then she meets two men she desires; the problem is one is cool and distant, and the other is not human.

Warning: This novel features some graphic sex scenes, some of which include BDSM. These scenes are all consensual and integral to the plot.

The Demon's Lure. Incubus supernatural sex story

The Demon’s Lure

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Subscribers Short Stories
The Incubus sends forth his disciple to lure in new conquests in this story of supernatural sex. Subscribe to my email list to read for free


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