Dark Erotica by Simone Francis title photo. A girl fulfils her fantasies of sex with strangers

Dark Erotica A Girl Fantasises About Kinky Sex With Strangers

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Erotic Short Stories, Erotica, Free Stories

Earlier this year I wrote The Dark Passage (available on Medium). It is a piece of dark erotica fiction about a girl whose boyfriend or master arranges for her to fulfil her submissive fantasy of being taken by a gang of strangers.

Photo of bride in see through dress illustrating erotic paranormal short fiction story

The Bride Was A Picture

Dark Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Subscribers Short Stories
Erotic paranormal short fiction. A lonely man gets more than he bargains for when he buys a picture of a beautiful bride. Warning: contains graphic descriptions and NSFW illustrations .


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The Bookshop Dark erotic BDSM thriller by Simone Francis

The Bookshop – An Erotic Historical Thriller

Books, New Releases, Spanking Stories

Welcome to a world of spankings, submission and sexual slavery that seethes below the respectable veneer of Edwardian London. Follow Amelia Slone, as she enters The Bookshop in this fast paced thriller.

The Demon's Lure. Incubus supernatural sex story

The Demon’s Lure

All Short Stories, Dark Erotica, Sex and the Supernatural, Subscribers Short Stories
The Incubus sends forth his disciple to lure in new conquests in this story of supernatural sex. Subscribe to my email list to read for free


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Title photo foe a lesbian seduction story of sexy girl in a mask

Fire and Ice

All Short Stories, Sexy Stories, Subscribers Short Stories

When passion mounts ice raises the temperature

Katrina has had to put her seduction of me on hold. Do you know what it’s like when the bloody writer decides to mess with your story just when you’re feeling wet and wild?

Anyway, whilst we sit here and wait for Simone to finish the rewrite here’s some more sexy stories – assuming she isn’t messing with these characters’ sex lives as well.

Only in the Moonlight Sexy short story illustration

Only in the Moonlight

All Short Stories, Erotic Short Stories, Free Stories, Sexy Stories

A sexy short story. A middle aged woman satisfies her longing in the moonlight

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I was awake, lying naked, uncovered, on the bed; the hot humid air felt like a suffocating blanket, confining me, holding me down. My husband lay snoring beside me in a deep, dreamless, sleep; his naked body flowing over the bed.