Sevicing Her Mistress a story of historical lesbian sex

Servicing Her Mistress

All Short Stories, BDSM Stories, Edwardian Erotica, Erotic Short Stories, Free Stories, Sexy Stories

We are back in the Edwardian era. Housemaid Emily has just submitted to a caning from her Mistress. She is not sure why, but she found the experience exciting. Read The Maid’s First Punishment.

Emily is now stood, naked in the centre of the room, her bottom glowing, waiting to find out how she can be of further service to her Mistress.

Cover photo of a lesbian and bisexual BDSM fiction book The Donnington Chronicles by Simone Francis

The Donnington Chronicles – BDSM Fiction

BDSM Stories, Books, Erotic Serial Stories, Spanking Stories

Celia Donnington is known as The Ice Maiden in her office. Will she thaw as she enters a world of BDSM at Hardend House? Will she survive the punishments? And if she does will she become a Mistress or a slave?

BDSM fiction by Simone Francis

Subscribe to read the serialized version of The Donnington Chronicles and much more.
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Warning: Contains scenes of BDSM whippings, spankings and graphic descriptions of sex.

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The Bookshop Dark erotic BDSM thriller by Simone Francis

The Bookshop – An Erotic Historical Thriller

Books, New Releases, Spanking Stories

Welcome to a world of spankings, submission and sexual slavery that seethes below the respectable veneer of Edwardian London. Follow Amelia Slone, as she enters The Bookshop in this fast paced thriller.