Two mature women decide to have some fun making Movies

Making Movies – Part 3

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Two mature women have a little fun when their casting call becomes a threesome.

Read from the beginning. Part 1 Diana and Caroline decide to have some fun.

Featured image compiled from images by Freepik and Rudy and Peter Skitterians on Pixabay

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Unfortunately, the next was a brash and cocky, with cropped hair and tattoos who Diana dismissed even before Caroline had asked him to take off his jeans. As he left she saw Caroline slip him a piece of paper. Diana raised her eyebrows as Caroline sat back on the sofa. ‘So I like a bit of rough,’ she said trying to sound innocent. ‘Thought I’d save him for later.’

The third had long dark hair and a muscular body but when he dropped his trousers Diana was tempted to reach for her glasses.

            ‘I know we shouldn’t discount small men,’ she giggled after he had gone ‘but even if that had blown up like a balloon it wouldn’t have amounted to much.’

There was a knock at the door. ‘Oh please let that be an attractive man with an average sized cock,’ Caroline said. ‘I’m so fucking horny I’d shag the janitor if he showed up.’

‘I thought you did that last month,’ Diana giggled, ‘and the next one’s mine.’

‘Bitch,’ Caroline snapped as she opened the door.

The man was tall and blonde. Diana estimated him to be in his mid-thirties. He looked like a typical surfer and the Australian twang to his accent seemed to confirm this. Oh well she thought, it’s his body we’re after not his mind.

‘Hi,’ he said ignoring Caroline and holding out his hand to Diana, ‘I’m Matt.’

‘Diana.’ She said feeling slightly like a rabbit in the headlamps of his blue eyes. She perched on the edge of the sofa and Matt flopped down in the chair opposite.

Caroline was already into her introduction and had reached the ‘experienced women’ part.  

‘Love to,’ Matt said. ‘To be quite honest I’ve had enough of airhead girls. My last girlfriend was forty-nine and boy did we have some fun. Oh, and by the way I can work one of those as well.’ He pointed to the video camera.

‘You’re hired,’ said Diana.

‘Err, equipment . . . screen test,’ Caroline said.

Matt laughed and unzipped his jeans.

Caroline leapt up. ‘You grab the camera.’

‘Oh no,’ Diana said sharply as she stood up and unzipped her dress, ‘I’m not falling for that one again.’ She pressed herself against Matt as he took off his shirt and felt his hard flesh between her legs. She started to slide the back and forth along its length, the head parting the split of her flesh without penetrating her. She ran her fingers of Matt’s smooth chest and purred, ‘Me first this time; pass me the condoms; you can have the leftovers . . . if there are any.’

She turned around and put her hands flat on the coffee table and pushed her behind against Matt who continued to gently press the head of his erection up and down between the lips of her sex nudging it against her clit each time he pushed forward. Slowly he beat her at her own game teasing her to the point where her whole body desired him in her. ‘Oh for God’s sake fuck me.’ Diana squirmed.

Matt slid himself into her until his thighs pressed against hers.

‘Oh shit,’ Diana muttered as Matt stood still and she rocked herself up and down the length of his cock. Then he started to move, slowly at first sliding in and out of her languidly almost lazily for several minutes but Diana was getting impatient. She thrust herself hard onto him with an increasing tempo.  

‘Oh fuck, oh fuck I’m coming,’ she whispered breathlessly as her body moved in short spasms. ‘Oh shit,’ she raised herself onto her fingertips and arched her back ramming herself against Matt, every muscle in tension as if she had been electrocuted. Several seconds passed before she flopped forward onto the coffee table as if the power had suddenly been cut.

‘Here take this.’ Caroline held out the camera.

‘Fuck off,’ Diana panted; trying to get her breath.

Caroline clipped the camera back on the tripod and pointed it at the sofa. She grabbed Matt’s cock and led him round the coffee table and, falling back on the sofa, spread her legs wide and dragged him into her. Matt grabbed Caroline’s ankles and pushed her legs back so that her feet were beside her ears and thrust into her, his muscular thighs rhythmically slapping against the backs of hers.

‘Ah . . . ah . . . ah, ah, ah.’ squealed Caroline in time with the thrusts.

Diana watched as her body arched and she dug her fingernails into Matt’s buttocks leaving red scars across them. Matt took the hint and pushed Caroline’s legs even further back and Diana watched fascinated as he pulled himself nearly fully out of her before slamming the full length of his cock back into her. Caroline made a series of little ‘uh’ sounds followed by a long moan as Matt grunted and impaled her with several final deep thrusts before dropping forward onto Caroline’s legs.

‘You’re definitely fucking hired,’ Caroline sniggered from underneath a pile of limbs and a tangle of blonde hair.

Matt grinned and slid off her.

‘Awww.’ Caroline whimpered. She looked at Diana. ‘Two one.’

‘Well you can fucking well make it two all.’ Diana said kissing Caroline and grabbing her hand so that she could shove it between her legs. They rolled over and Caroline worked her way down Diana’s body kissing and licking until her mouth was pressed against her sex. Diana felt Caroline’s tongue work its way round the slippery opening and flick against the bud of her clitoris.

She grabbed at Caroline’s hair as the first waves of pleasure began to engulf her; she was vaguely aware through half closed eyes that Matt was beside Caroline and then the mouth broke contact ‘Aww.’ She moaned but it was immediately replaced with the delicious sensation of something sliding into her. She arched her back as the waves got bigger and bigger. Caroline’s mouth sucked sweetly at her nipples and she was carried to the shore on a final tsunami.

Diana kept her eyes closed for a long time and Matt stayed nestled inside her. Finally as his erection started to shrink she opened them to see the two of them grinning at her.

Caroline raised her eyebrows ‘I think that one counts as double.’

‘Or even a treble,’ Diana smiled.

‘Impressive recovery,’ Caroline smirked at Matt.

‘Well,’ he grinned, ‘any man who sees two hot ladies doing what you were doing is bound to get a hard on.’

‘Thank you kind Sir,’ said Caroline ‘you’ve made my day in so many ways.’

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